Hunter Erin Outcast(Warriors: Power of Three#3)-猫武士三部曲·三力量3:驱逐之战

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Hunter Erin Outcast(Warriors: Power of Three#3)-猫武士三部曲·三力量3:驱逐之战

作者:Hunter Erin

书名:Outcast(Warriors: Power of Three#3)《猫武士三部曲·三力量3:驱逐之战》

英文简介:A secret prophecy shapes the lives of Firestar's grandchildren, but only one of the three knows about it. Jaypaw is captivated by the power it promises, and he believes the key to that power may lie buried in the distant past -- with the ancient cats who once walked these woods and now prowl through his dreams. His search for answers leads him toward the mountains -- the home of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Lionpaw and Hollypaw feel drawn to the mountains too, for different reasons.

But the mountains hide secrets as well as answers, and if the three cats find a way to get there, they may discover more than they ever expected.

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