The Other Wind(Earthsea Cycle #6)-地海奇风

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The Other Wind(Earthsea Cycle #6)-地海奇风

作者:Le Guin Ursula K

书名:The Other Wind(Earthsea Cycle #6)《地海奇风》

中文简介:《地海奇风》(英语:The Other Wind)是美国作家娥苏拉·勒瑰恩于2001年发表的奇幻小说,为“地海传说”第六部,也是第五部长篇小说.故事叙述一场生死境界交错的异变,藉以重新探讨地海世界中地域的差异,以及生死与魔法的本质。一位擅长修补物品的术士“赤杨”(Alder),每晚梦见亡妻站在生死之界的矮墙旁呼唤他,而矮墙也逐渐被拆除。如果墙破了,亡魂将入侵地海世界。赤杨向曾是地海大法师的格得求助,格得指点他去找地海真王“黎白南”。于是赤杨、黎白南必须与一位烧伤的女子、一位施用禁法的法师、一位既是龙又是女子的奇人,联手修正远古祖先犯下的错,修补地海。勒瑰恩在第四部《地海孤雏》思考前三部中性别与魔法的传统关系,在这部接续的新作中,她更重新深刻探讨魔法与更基本问题的关连:即“生与死”。

英文简介: The greatest fantasies of the 20th century are J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle. Regrettably, the Earthsea Cycle has not received the fame and sales of Tolkien's trilogy. Fortunately, new Earthsea books have appeared in the 21st century, and they are as powerful, beautiful, and imaginative as the first four novels. The fifth novel and sixth book of the Earthsea Cycle is The Other Wind.
The sorcerer Alder has the power of mending, but it may have become the power of destruction: every night he dreams of the wall between the land of the living and the land of the dead, and the wall is being dismantled. If the wall is breached, the dead will invade Earthsea. Ged, once Archmage of Earthsea, sends Alder to King Lebannen. Now Alder and the king must join with a burned woman, a wizard of forbidden lore, and a being who is woman and dragon both, in an impossible quest to save Earthsea.

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