Rorke's Drift 1879-罗克渡口1879

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Rorke's Drift 1879-罗克渡口1879

作者:Ian Knight
书名:Rorke's Drift 1879: 'Pinned like rats in a hole'《罗克渡口1879:像老鼠一样被按在洞里》
英文简介:Rorke's Drift sums up some of the best traditions of the British self-image: steadfastness against the odds, victory in adversity and the thin red line. The British stand deserves to go down in history as one of the most heroic actions of all time. The story of a mere 150 British and Imperial soldiers defending an isolated outpost against over 3,000 Zulu warriors summed up the experience of the colonial adventure for the Victorians and remains part of our heritage even today. Ian Knight recounts the course of this famous conflict in which no less than 11 Victoria crosses were won.

中文背景:罗克渡口战役(Battle of Rorke's Drift),又称为罗克渡口防御战(Defence of Rorke's Drift),是祖鲁战争当中的一场战役。属于皇家工程兵团的约翰·查德中尉在英军兵败伊散德尔瓦纳之后,带领罗克渡口传教站守军,成功击退进攻的祖鲁军团。守卫罗克渡口的英军只有150人,而围攻传教站的祖鲁士兵,则多达3,000人至4,000人。人数众多的祖鲁军队在战役中并没有一次过投入全部兵力,相反,他们将士兵分为多个队伍,分次进攻,最终因此被人数稀少的英军击退。11名守军在战役后获颁维多利亚十字勋章。

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