Lisa Ko The Leavers-离岸人

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Lisa Ko The Leavers-离岸人

出生在纽约皇后区的华裔作家丽萨·康(Lisa Ko)是美国移民二代,她目睹了父辈的艰辛,也因成长于异质文化中而感到疏离和困惑。近年来,因为特朗普的上台,美国移民们的处境变得更为艰难。她将父辈的梦想与辛酸、二代移民的归属与困惑以及新移民的遭遇,糅合在其首部小说《离岸人》中,勾勒出一幕新“中国人在纽约”。

小说甫一出版,即受到美国评论界广泛好评,甚至认为是当年最好看的小说,丽萨·康也因此登上了各大头条。随后该书入围了当年的美国国家图书奖,并获得2016年美国社会领头羊小说奖(PEN /Bellwether Prize)、美国笔会社会类小说先锋奖,NPR2017年年度图书,赫芬顿邮报2017年最佳小说等奖项。

作者:Lisa Ko 

书名:The Leavers《离岸人》

简介:One morning, Deming Guo’s mother, an undocumented Chinese immigrant named Polly, goes to her job at the nail salon and never comes home. No one can find any trace of her.

With his mother gone, eleven-year-old Deming is left with no one to care for him. He is eventually adopted by two white college professors who move him from the Bronx to a small town upstate. They rename him Daniel Wilkinson in their efforts to make him over into their version of an “all-American boy.” But far away from all he’s ever known, Daniel struggles to reconcile his new life with his mother’s disappearance and the memories of the family and community he left behind.

Set in New York and China, The Leavers is a vivid and moving examination of borders and belonging. It’s the story of how one boy comes into his own when everything he’s loved has been taken away--and how a mother learns to live with the mistakes of her past.

This powerful debut is the winner of the 2016 PEN/Bellwether Prize for fiction, awarded by Barbara Kingsolver for a novel that addresses issues of social justice. 

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