Isaac Bashevis Singer More Stories from My Father's Court-,我父亲的宫廷里的许多故事

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Isaac Bashevis Singer More Stories from My Father's Court-,我父亲的宫廷里的许多故事

作者:Isaac Bashevis Singer

书名:More Stories from My Father's Court《我父亲的宫廷里的许多故事》

英文简介:A sequel to I. B. Singer's classic memoir In My Father's Court, these stories, published serially in the Daily Forward, depict the beth din in his father's home on Krochmalna Street in Warsaw. A unique institution, the beth din was a combined court of law, synagogue, scholarly institution, and psychologist's office where people sought out the advice and counsel of a neighborhood rabbi.The twenty-seven stories gathered here show this world as it appeared to a young boy. From the earthy to the ethereal, these stories provide an intimate and powerful evocation of a bygone world. 

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