Absolute Beginners(London Trilogy #2)-初出茅庐-雏儿-崭新的开端

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Absolute Beginners(London Trilogy #2)-初出茅庐-雏儿-崭新的开端

作者:Colin MacInnes

书名:Absolute Beginners(London Trilogy #2)《初出茅庐》或《雏儿》或《崭新的开端》

英文简介:London, 1958—Soho, Notting Hill... a world of smoky jazz clubs, coffee bars and hip hang-outs in the center of London's emerging youth culture. The young and restless—the Absolute Beginners—were creating a world as different as they dared from the traditional image of England's green and pleasant land. Follow our young photographer as he records the moments of a young teenager's life in the capital—sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, the era of the first race riots and the lead-up to the swinging sixties. 

A twentieth-century cult classic, Absolute Beginners remains the style bible for anyone interested in Mod culture and paints a vivid picture of a changing society with insight and sensitivity.

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